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K. Lubiak
J. Brdej
About conference: 

Dear colleagues, friends, co-workers and lovers of monuments!


Upcoming XXVIII Bardkontakt conference will be held in the atmosphere of several round anniversaries in the context of monument protection in Slovakia but also in Europe: 20 years since the inscription of Bardejov's historic core on the World Heritage List, 70 years since the declaration of the first urban monument reservation zones (Banská Štiavnica, Bardejov, Kežmarok , Kremnica, Levoča, Prešov, Spišská Kapitula, Spišská Sobota), monument reservation of Banská Bystrica "has" 65 years, Svätý Jur 30 years and folk architecture reservation zone Plavecký Peter. Soon – in the next year - 70 years will pass since the establishment of the Institute of Monument Preservation (the predecessor of today's Monument Board of the Slovak Republic).


Anniversaries are generally an opportunity to take stock of the successes and achievements that have usually been achieved. But as a rule, they are also an incentive to think - How to proceed? Other round or close anniversaries can also help reflect on this issue: 90 years since the formulation of the Athens Charter for the Restoration of Historical Monuments (adopted at the 1st International Congress of Architects and Technicians of Historical Monuments) in Athens in 1931, the same anniversary of the first formulations of the Athens Charter of Modern Urbanism (formulated by the CIAM Congress, which was finally adopted in 1933), or 20 years since the Hanover Charter on Sustainable Cities and Towns (2000).


As the number of these anniversaries suggests, the protection of monuments is never carried out in isolation, in an ivory tower, although we often think of monuments as if they were made of ivory. The protection of monuments, their knowledge, use and especially management is many times, in many ways and in many different ties connected with other needs, worries and joys of everyday life. It is the life of our cities and towns, their communities and their common perspectives. The conference Bardkontakt 2020 wants to provide a space for discussion about all this.



Conference topics:

• Experiences, challenges and hopes of the city of Bardejov since its inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

• Experience of other sites inscribed on the UNESCO WH List - what the registration gave them and what it took ...

• Is World Heritage status (by analogy with National cultural monument and Monument reserve zone) an obstacle or a catalyst for development?

• Issues of legal / legislative protection of monuments and their impact on the affected seat / territory from various social points of view (theoretical, methodological, philosophical, sociological, economic, managerial, urban-architectural and various

other ...

• What to expect, what to prepare for, what to avoid in the context of the announced post-coronary reconstruction of countries and their economies in connection with the protection and use of monuments?

• Issues of universal design and restoration of monuments

The aim of the conference is to provide a space for interdisciplinary discussion: exchange of views, controversy and dissemination of experiences among participants in processes related to protection, restoration and management of monuments, management of settlements and regions, strengthening communities, guiding and programming their development.


Employees of the Monument Office of the Slovak Republic, the Association of Towns and Municipalities of Slovakia, representatives of municipalities, members of the Slovak Chamber of Architects, the Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers, the Slovak Chamber of Restorers, experts from academia, homeowners, building authorities, investors, designers, members and representatives of citizens' initiatives, enthusiasts and anyone interested in the subject are invited to discuss it.

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